15 Months?! Where has the time gone??? Daniel and I are AMAZED with Gia everyday! This is such a FUN, yet CHALLENGING age! Gianna is a little “sponge.” Her stats so far at 15 months are as follows:
Height: approx. 30.5 inches
Weight: approx. 20 lbs
Attitude: that of a 12 year old
Gianna has some of her mother in her…she is one stubborn little gal. She has mastered the art of a temper tantrum (for about a month now we’ve had the pleasure of public meltdowns if she does not get her way). Daniel and I find ourselves a little bit speechless and very embarrassed when she decides to throw a fit- mostly because she was an absolute angel for the fist 13 months of her life…and she KNOWS how to be an angel- when she chooses. We also thought that the “terrible twos” didn’t actually come until 2 yrs old- FOOLS, I know!
Bad Habit- Hitting! Ugh, when Gianna gets frustrated, she hits…we are trying to break this habit with some time-outs, but she is persistent.
So we’ve established that Gianna has her mother’s attitude, but she also has her father’s energy….IRONMAN energy for sure! She is usually up between 6-7am, will take one nap (approx. 1.5-2 hrs in duration) and then go down for bed at 8:30pm….now that may not sound so bad to the average person- however all the time in-between she is ON THE GO- constantly. She is running, climbing on tables, counter tops, jungle gyms, the stairs, playing with the dogs or her toys, dancing, or “exploring” the underneath of the bathroom sinks! She is NON-STOP….all day, everyday!
Gia’s vocabulary has grown tremendously also. She now says: please, thank you, apple, banana, shoe, baby, hot, ouch, dog, cat, flower, picture, up….just to name a few!
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